mercredi 8 février 2012

"P.C." and the Global Community

It's kind of a cloudy day down here in the South, today.  I'm not feeling too productive, so I've just been lazing around, surfing the net.

I just came across the most amusing images of  "mappying sterotypes".

I’ve always considered my self a bit of an ethnic connoisseur.  Any person who has had the privilege of living among others in foreign countries should find it quite easy to distinguish between an ethnic connoisseur and a racist clod.

An ethnic connoisseur is merely a keen and well informed social observer.

A clod is the one who hides behind pretentions of “political correctness” while rancid bones of negativity issue from his lips landing in everyone’s plate at the dinner party

You all know who I’m talking about, I’m sure.

Anyway, check these out.   For a clearer view go to stereotypes.
Europe according to the French
Europe according to the Greeks
Europe According to the Americans
The World according to the Americans

The World According to Israel:

and my all time favorite...
Europe according to the Vatican!
Fun, right?

On target, you think?

Nevertheless, let me offer you a piece of diplomatic advice on stereotyping: Don’t dish it if you can’t take it!

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